Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Does everything change if you get back together with the one you broke up with?

Will our relationship change? I broke up with him. But if we got back together, will everything be different? Better? I personally think that things will be better and we will both know how to handle eachother in different ways. And i feel like i appreciate him so much more now that i dont have him. I love him so much, i let him go.. But he hasnt tried to come back yet and im scared i will lose him. Hes told me Im the one, and he wants to be iwth me forever. We both live at home w our parents and i jus couldnt take it anymore staying over his house with his dad 5 feet away.. and ive been pressuring him to get a place w me but hes just not financially ready (almost tho) I broke up with him bc hes younger and my priorities are different then his. But i did alot of thinking and i realized i was pressuring him way too much to grow up,. And i think i can wait for him to get his stuff together. Its been 3 weeks. Do u think he will call? I know he loves me. Weve been together 2.5 yrs..

People with personal experience who broke up with their boyfriend and then got back together, how did things turn out?? Need advice :( I miss him so much.Does everything change if you get back together with the one you broke up with?
i ended up breaking up with my ex of 2 and a half years, because i always blamed him for my problems.. he was amazing and i took that for granted. he wanted me back for a few days, but i played it like i didn't care, because i was so hurt. bam, after a week he had a new girl. i was actually planning on telling him i was ready, and when i did, it mixed him up.. about 5 days into their relationship, he came to me and told me how much he wanted to be with me.; and how she was a rebound. we hungout for a day, and he talked about her nonstop.. we ended up breaking up later that day, because he told me i broke his heart too much for him to ever want to be with me again; and then he says he had fallen out of love.

he is currently with her still, its been atleast a month for them, i'm not trying to get your hopes down, but if he loves you, he will make his decision.. pushing him to come back won't do anything (as you can see). just give him space. two people who are meant to be together, will always find their way in the end.Does everything change if you get back together with the one you broke up with?
Since it's been 3 weeks and he hasn't called, I would call and ask him what if any plans he has been considering. Maybe he needs time alone to do some growing up. Putting pressure on him will only push him away. Getting back with someone that you've broken up with can go both ways.

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