Monday, June 6, 2011

Where are people learning to put a space before punctuation in English?

Why do so many people who learn English use a space after punctuation? I see it so constantly I wonder if they're specifically being taught to do it. I've only asked someone once (online) and he got touchy about it and said that's how he likes to do it and won't change (in broken english of course). This is the kind of thing I mean:

This is a sentence .

This is a list of stuff: apples , oranges

This is a question ?

Where do they learn to do this? I find it irritating to read.Where are people learning to put a space before punctuation in English?
I don't know, but I do put a space after a sentence that ends with a website or email address, like this: .

I've never been taught nor taught anyone to do that, it just makes sense to me. (I do teach English but I haven't noticed the situation you mention. It might be more common among people whose first language is non-alphabetical.)Where are people learning to put a space before punctuation in English?
I am hoping that it is fast typing and no editting.
Because many people are in a hurry and are careless (though I can't complain, I do similiar).
Let alone, punctuation!! the grammar leaves a lot to be desire!!!
I think it's a mistake, and I agree, it is irritating!
They probably learned it the same place they learned to spell.
We are specifically taught to do it. The space comes after the punctuation mark never before.

I'm an english native so I haven't been taught english as such, but I have had typing lessons.
I got confused with that. You were asking about a space AFTER punctuation, but your examples show a space BEFORE the punctuation mark.

Oh well, to answer your question, my English teacher used to tell me that most people make more errors when typing than when they're actually writing with pen and paper. I don't think it's an English lesson issue, but a typing issue.

As for those who speak English as a second language, it might have something to do with their native language. Maybe it's something they're used to doing with their native writing.
I was taught to put the punctuation mark next to the word that it follows, but to put a space after the punctuation mark. That is how I was taught in elementary school and I was never taught any different thru Jr high, high school, and college. Yes I was born, and educated in the USA
That is irritating.
In typing class ( now word processing), I learned to put a space after punctuation marks. If people use the spelling and grammar check on some word processors, it will consider it an error if there is no space ( exception would be apostrophe in contraction/ possessives).

What bothers me is when they put the space before the punctuation mark or, worse, put a space both before and after the punctuation mark.

This looks okay to me:

Where do they learn to do this? I find it irritating to read.

This looks a little off to me:

Where do they learn to do this ? I find it irritating to read .

Of course, my grandmother would say, '; Don't sweat the small stuff.'; Maybe adding an extra space is small stuff.

As an English teacher, I would probably not count off for a misplaced space, but don't get me started on some of the poor spelling and grammar...

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