Thursday, September 22, 2011

My husband's mom owes us money, and she ignores my messages and emails.?

We had a queen size guest bedroom set that cost us about $1500 total mattress and decorations and bed clothes everything. We could have easily gotten ATLEAST $600-700 for the bedroom set, but my inlaws needed a new set, so we sold it to them for $450. Part of the deal was that my father in law would change our breaks, and he would pay for the breaks and that would come out of the money they owed us. Well we didn't end up using the back breaks and I returned them for the $30 that they cost. Well he paid with a credit card and the only place that $30 could go was back onto the credit card. This was 2 months ago. I have told her on the phone, and I have left her 2 messages on facebook, but she will not answer me about the money. Whether you think it is petty or not, I am not really interested in, because I don't think it is petty, and I don't work and $30 is a lot of money to me. I don't know what to do, I told him he needs to deal with this, and he needs to talk to her, but I also don't want to put HIM In a weird place asking for money from his mom. They are coming to visit us for my sons birthday in a month. Their bills are about half as much as ours, and they make about twice as much as we do. (they just moved that is how we know because we know their rent) so it just drives me crazy that they are so irresponsible with their money going out and blowing it on brand new four wheelers and brand new jeeps, but they can't pay me what they owe me. I don't 'know what to do! I know this sounds horrible, but it is making me resent them, I don't even want them to come to my house for my sons birthday, yes, over $30. It is more of the fact of the matter that they owe us money on something we sold them dirt cheep and she is ignoring me.My husband's mom owes us money, and she ignores my messages and emails.?
Rule # one, never lend money to family. It is soooo hard to get it back if they don't want to pay it back. Feeling s get hurt and it is not pretty. If I were you, I would forget the $30.00 and chalk it up are a lesson learned. It will never happen again, right? Don't resent them, just figure that are that type of people and move passed it. This answer will keep peace in the family.My husband's mom owes us money, and she ignores my messages and emails.?
sue her for estafa...
Sue her, and let the court take care of it!
It is very petty and you should take the loss as a learning experience, ive always heard dont do business with family or friends. Here are the results. Its petty just let it go.
I can understand. I think it's more about the fact that she is ignoring you. Not so much about the money although like you said it's a lot to you since you don't work. When she comes (IF she decides to go) ask her in person. She will have to pay you or tell you why she isn't paying you. That's wrong because yes it is JUST 30 dollars maybe they think they shouldn't pay you back since it's not a lot of money. Good luck. Next time don't do them any favors or ask for the money upfront.

EDIT: My MIL owes me 300 dollars till this day and she acts like she doesn't owe me... so there you go. Yeah maybe just ignore it and NEVER do it again. She has asked me again and I say NO.. She thinks I'm rich or something.. They can go to hell.
You can either let it go or continue to let this drain you emotionally and allow it to take over your life. Them being irresponsible with money doesn't sound like anything new. I don't see how you can be so upset on the furniture, you chose to sell it that cheap. It takes too much energy to be this angry. Next time they need something, guess they'll have to find another victim.
$30? OMG - get a hobby! If you aren't willing to sue for the money - let it go! You need to learn how to let the little stuff slide.

BTW - if money is tight you can always get a part time job...yeah, you know - work.

ADD: Doesn't matter what you think about their spending habits - they aren't yours...they are none of your business so's THEIR MONEY to spend how they see fit. YOU = NEED A HOBBY.
I think you need to start paying your in-aws on a weekly basis for this absurd question.
You shouldn't have discounted the furniture knowing they are financially better off than you. You were doing no one a favor by that.
';Whether you think it is petty or not, I am not really interested in, because I don't think it is petty, and I don't work and $30 is a lot of money to me.';

Then don't ask for other people to give you advice if you don't want to hear what most of them will say. Straining your relationship over $30 would be about the stupidest thing you can do. Just learn your lesson and don't do them any financial favors in the future.
What does your hub think? does he take initiative to deal w it? he needs to. if not you can mention it to her. not at the party tho. the next time u see her
i wouldnt harrass my in-laws for 30 bucks, no matter HOW important or necessary that money is. tell them to buy new brakes and give them to you. if you dont want the brakes anymore, that's your problem cause that was the original deal, not to give you the dough in cash

i say: you live, you learn and from now on, you''ll know not to lend them money. sometimes you got to bite the bullet and just move on.....

how old are you?

and MIL having facbook..

i don't even know where to begin..

1. let the issue go it's not worth the headache for them or yourself

2. don't sell them anything anymore

3. breaks is brakes

4. your son is not a weapon to use, he's their grandkid they have the right to see him

5. you spend alot of money too.. queen size and decor for 1500.. what the heck kinda dressing you buying..
Let it go. $30 is just not worth it. You dont have any idea what they pay for, or what their bills cost. Unless you look through every bill they get you dont know. Im sure they have done things for you. Just let it go.
While I understand your position, your blowing this a bit out of proportion. Is thirty dollars worth your family's happiness? Right now your pushing your husband and are ready to ban them from their grandchild's birthday party, seems a little over the top. Your acting as if they're ripping you off, they did exactly what was asked of them. The decision to not use redo the rear brakes wasn't something they forced on you, it was a decision you seemed to have been okay with when it was made. You simply didn't expect to not get a refund or credit for returned parts. Just find a way to make up the thirty while they're visiting, ask them to go pick up some beer/soda or supplies from the grocery for the party to make up the difference. Riding your MIL for thirty bucks is going to get you nothing, but a stressed out awkward relationship with them for yourself and your family.
First off your *itching saying you don't work but you spent $1500.00 on a bedroom set that in reality you didn't need cause you sold it. I do understand that it is the principal. Your husband needs to discuss it with his parents. You were wrong to put personal business Face Book. As far as not wanting them to attend your child's birthday party, grow up! The child is innocent in this matter, so why punish him by keeping them away? To be spiteful, that's why. A mature, responsible mother would see that it is in the best interest of the child to have his grandparents attend his party. My advice is learn from this and never lend or sell to family members. Sit down and talk to your husband and tell him about your concerns and feelings. You may be able to say '; oh well '; they have done a lot to help us out over the years and never asked for repayment. We don't really need the money for our bills { if we are struggling, I should get a part-time job}. If your husband agrees that they should pay back the money then try to work out a payment schedule that works for everyone. Then talk with respect to his parents together, in person. If your relationship with his parents was good before this took place, then find someway to compromise. NOt only for him but for the entire family as a whole. Family is far more important than money.

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