Thursday, September 22, 2011

He dumped me...i want him back HELP!?

We we're together almost 8 months and he left me 4 days ago. It was rocky throughout the relationship because he'd say I stressed him out with my constant moaning and having a go at him and never being happy but we had some great times though. Everything would have been fine if i just controlled my anger, kept my mouth shut and didnt get so jelous. He always told me how he felt and always gave me patience but he has broke up with me 3 times over it - And always taken me back.

But this time, I dont think he's gunna take me me back. I got mad at him and told him to ''F*ck Off and called him a C*nt'' because he told me couldnt see me this weekend becuase it was his dads birthday and he'd come see monday. Then he said '**** this' and dumped me over msn :( He's still talking to me online, I 've tryed to get him back and ask for another chance to show him i can change and stop getting so nasty but he's said no because he was depressed when he was with me and now he's happier without me :(

At the time, i didnt realize the damage i was doing,i didnt realize he was so unhappy but now i know i would change, it breaks my heart that he felt like that. I care about him so much and just want him back and make it up to him :( what should i do??He dumped me...i want him back HELP!?
say you won 81 gamesHe dumped me...i want him back HELP!?
Hun you had 3 chances and you blew c'mon you are gonna really have to prove to this guy that he has changed........And if you just keep your old habits and takes you back well then he's dumb ....Your abusing him verbally emotionally not cool
To be honest it sounds like you have serious anger issues. As such, I'd recommend getting some counselling and dealing with it before you get into another relationship with anyone as abusive patterns of behaviour are difficult to break without help.
Ive had the same problem, Just talk to him and tell him how sorry U are, Otherwise dont be such a bit拢ch ... and everything be fine.
Concentrate with being happy by yourself %26amp; give him space %26amp; time (at least 3 months) to think %26amp; work things out for himself. If he wants you back, he'll tell you. If you hassle him, he'll run a mile %26amp; end up hating you.
My best friend's boyfriend did the EXACT SAME THING! omg

She couldn't hang out one weekend so he called her a selfish c*nt and she dumped him.

But she took him back. They've broken up a few times, too and they keep getting back together. He keeps pressuring her to have sex with him and we are only 14.

Honestly, I want her to dump his ***! He doesn't deserve her at all. It sounds like you just need to give your ex some space. i know it sucks when you get dumped because all you think about it what you did wrong and wish you would have done something else. I know it's stupid, but I honestly think everything happens for a reason. 8 months is a long time and I'm sure it hurt very badly. I'm sorry. Just give him some space, maybe date other people and see if you honestly have anger issues or he just made you have the issues. And maybe while you date other people, he'll begin to miss you and understand how much he likes you.

Hope it helped

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