First it represents all white British Citizens weather you like it or not .Second the response which I got was about jobs .There is a pratice in conducting trade which is called(Off shoring) yep those discounts you get from food/clothes it is because of cheap labour since you have strong trade unions for long job security ,C.E.Os will dodge wage increase bargaining and conduct Business elsewhere (less regulation environment).
Now this is my question ,very simple and straight forward assuming the B.N.P has come to power how do you hope to change for starters you are against non-white Immigration since there nothing like British Immigrants when the Brits stay in other Countries but ''EXPATS''
Apart from Immigration B.N.P what other things are you going to change break it down in points please and Thanks in advance.
P.S After all there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are BNP member ;-).This is third time I am going to ask about an elected legitimate British National Party Polices?
They don't represent me and I'm white British. They're like our version of the taliban, they want to bring back the birch for petty criminals. My milk was stolen from my doorstep a few weeks ago, I wouldn't live peacefully in a country where the perpetrator of that would be beaten with a stick by some paid pervert.This is third time I am going to ask about an elected legitimate British National Party Polices?
Perhaps nobody is answering because you are being a complete jackass.
Vote BNP - BNP all the way.
You can find the full range of BNP policies on their site.
Their most important policy (other than immigration,) is the one on benefits. If we had full employment, the tax bill would be drastically less. Cheap goods aren't cheap is you have to pay millions of people not to work just so employers can keep their wage bills low by employing immigrants.
You are asking Americans...we don't care. Get pon the British Y/A. And with all the writing, no one read it. I know I didn't.
the bnp wouldn't do much if they by some act of 'god' got into power. Their policies are like the ramblings of a 14 year old boy, badly spelt and unworkable. Many are discriminative even to 'ethnic british' like allowing certian people to carry guns but not others, some are undemocratic like refusing certian people the vote. Anyway if the bnp ever got into power they would destroy us, and every british person has a duty to defend this land against the pathetic BNP scumbags that threaten our very own British existance.
The main objectives of the B,N.P are to protects the people of the uk first of all the bnp is not essetially racist as it is made out in the press the press is a munipitalive organisation which stirs up hatred
it aims to protect the rights of the workers ie british jobs for british workers the term british buy the way does not single out race black or white chinese turkish or polish if you own a british passport you have priority over jobs they want to stop non passport holders taking british jobs
also it wishes to repeal any laws that benefit the criminal in this country such as the use of the human rights law which many criminals use as an aid to get a lesser sentence as the crown prosecution usually drops these cases it happens frequently
removal from the eu and its policies becuase it provides no benefit to us due to our local authorities
cutting foriegn aid so we can boot pulic spending on schooling and healthcare
better and similar rights and pay for men women and all races
re introduction of coperal punishment as a detterent to offenders and show the justice system is on the side of the citizen and capital punishment for pedophilles and murderers
re introduce conscription into the army for all individuals for 2 years to tech discapline and reduce crime (muggings of pensioners)(National service)
mandatory jail terms for offences against pulic servants (assaults against nhs workers, doctor, police)
protection of the disabled and homosexual
bringing back freedom of speech
rebuild british defences
encourage organic farming
help first time house buyers and young familys
the bnp is not racist they are just depicted that way by the media the bnp for Uk paliament
Go to the British national party site and read for yourself.
Lets start with this then, BNP, NOT IN MY NAME! never has been and never will be whether you like it of not.
Next I am not against non white immigration if it is closely monitored and regultated so again BNP, NOT IN MY NAME!
Lastly your 'question' does not make any sense so you may wish to re-write it in a legible way.
This question is too incoherent to understand. It rambles on and on and I cannot see what you are getting at except to proselytise for the BNP.
If you could rephrase it?
This question is totally irrelevant as the bnp are, and always will be completely unelectable. It`s like asking about Bishop Rock putting a man on the moon.
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