1. Bella would have never gotten pregnant.
I think Stephanie Meyer put this in the story to surprise the readers, but it had a negative effect. I think effected all of the characters in a negative light. Rosalie looked like a self centered, self absorbed, selfishbitch. Bella looked like even more of an idiot. Jacob became a pervert/pedophile and anyone who says it's okay for him to imprint, you need to get your head out of the clouds. That's disgusting, it's an infant there's nothing romantic about it.
Edward and Bella would have gotten married, went on their honeymoon, and returned to Forks unpregnant. About a month later, Bella would start to realize how over protective Edward was and how he bossed her around and made most of the decisions. She also would have realized that she depended on him and needed him which is a weakness. She would become more independent and grow a backbone. She would realize that she didn't want to become one of those pathetic, pitiful girls who become dependent on a relationship and very clingy and needy and jump off cliffs to cater to their dellusions when their boyfriend's brake up with them so she got a social life and decided to go to college. She would travel and try new things and become a vampire a year later.
2. Leah and Jacob would be together.
I think the two of them would be really good for each other. They're both likeable (when they want to be) and they both have a good sense of humor. They are also really close because they can hear all of each other's thoughts. There would be a scene where Jacob would be opening up to Leah and she would just be sitting there, quiet and listening to him. He finishes and there's just silence then Leah says ';Get a god damn grip. You are not missing out on much. If you get with Bella, she won't be able to breathe 15 minutes without you. Is that what you really want with your life!!? Honestly...why do you even like her so much? Do you even know?? Give me one good reason';, knocking some common sense into Jacob with a reality check. then Jacob would FINALLY come to his senses and realize how much of a self centered, self absorbed, needy, clingy, whiny, complainy (I know that's not a word, but that's not the point) person Bella is. ';Do you really want to be with someone who jumped off of a cliff to cater to their obsession with a dellusion?'; Leah asked. that did it. Jacob is over Bella Swan...for good. ';Besides, why want that when you can have me'; and Jacob and Leah get together. They both imprint later but it doesn't matter because their love is so much stronger for each other since they both helped each other with Bella/Sam so they're really close verses practically falling in love with someone you've known for 5 seconds.
3. Emmett is hunting in the forest one day. A girl is looking for her brother. She's mumbling under her breath ';God damn it, youmotherfucker. Why the hell would you go wondering in the forest at 2fucking a.m. to go after a cat that's not even yours. really. I want to know. Laila Dennis isn't even that cute or that great so why are you chasing after her cat....'; she slips in the mud and lands in the creek getting soaked. ';************'; she shouts. she broke her leg and can't get up when three wolves start comming near her. she's trapped. she picks up a stick then looks at it and mentally slaps herself ';I'm screwed.'; she says. her voice causes all of the wolves to come at her when all of the sudden something comes out of nowhere and moves so fast. all she can hear is whimpering andshit (lol I'm lazy sue me haha I mean sew I just left 'sue' there becuase I can't believe I just wrote that and I think it's funny). A tall muscular guy is in her face before she knows it with blood all over him. ';Are you okay?'; she screams as she notices the dead wolves..';What the ****!!? Who does that?...I've got to be dreaming.'; blah blah blah...basically....she reailizes through shock that she was bitten and is losing lots of blood so Emmett's sexyass bites her and they fall in love and happily ever after. He leaves Rosalie because Rosalie is a pessimistic, self centered, sefish, materialisticbitch. No one in the Cullen family really liked her all that much so it didn't break their hearts when she moved to Alaska to live with what's their faces.
Bella has a big scar on her face because Leah kickedherass. Jacob has a scar on his chest because he and Edward got into it but Jacob's scar looks good on him and he looks bad and sexy. Jacob bit Edward's ear off haha
I'm grounded and bored. I've never written a question this long.
What would you do if you could edit Breaking Dawn?If you didn't like BREAKING DAWN and you could create your own version, what would happen?
At least someone would die.
Stephenie's in lala land if she thinks its all cool to have a book where so many life threatening scenarios take place, and NOBODY gets the chop, not even in the last book where the 'maga villians' come to visit.
Absolute trrrassh.If you didn't like BREAKING DAWN and you could create your own version, what would happen?
hah, i would have them all die.
but thts just me
I'd get rid of the Loch Ness Monster and I'd have Leah and Jacob get together.
I hate Breaking Dawn's guts, but I wouldn't spend my actual time rewriting it.
totally what u said especisially number 3
I defiantly think Bella should have never gotten pregnant. Her and Edward would get married, go on their honey moon, have sex.
Bella would have a massive fall out with Jacob because he is self centered and I just hate him. Basically she would just tell him to get out of her life and he would and then he would fall in love with Leah. Actually maybe Leah and Rosalie could get together because they are both selfish and pessimistic. I totally agree with the Emmet thing, he needs someone who is strong and funny and just like him. So he would get with someone else and then Rosalie would throw a hissy fit and run off with leah lol. Bella and Edward would have a fight and she would say how he is kinda stalkerish like when he slashed her tires and wouldn't let her see Jacob and how she had to litrally beg him for sex etc. and then she would scream at him because he won't make her like him and then he would just bite her. Can't think of anything else.
I'm grounded too!
well, you lost me at the jacob pedo bit.
doesn't anyone realise that him imprinting on renesmee isn't perverted at all?
haven't you read the book? If i remember, he describes for about a page how quill will love that little girl and protect her like a sister until she is old enough for another type of love.
so shut you fanny and read the books again .. it will probably kill you, so just stop now.
There would be no Breaking Dawn at all. Bella would have become a vampire in Eclipse. There was no need for a 4th book, it was a massive waste of trees if you ask me.
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