Well, I've tried everything from oxy to proactive, and I don't see much of a change. I break out every morning, I take daily showers, and wash my face every morning and right before I go to bed. Is there anyone out there willing to help me?How can I get rid of my acne?
I too am sick of it and after some trial and error this is what has worked for me.
Step 1.
Drink lots of water. I tried to drink one cup of water every hour while I was awake. Carefull tho cause the first week or so you will be running to the bathroom every hour until your bladder learns to compensate. Water is the oil in our bodies, just like a car, and it keeps everything running smoothly. Many times acne is the result of our bodies not being able to effectivly remove certain ';toxins';
Step 2.
Cut down on the sugar big time. Although if you are drinking a lot of water, sugar still shouldnt be a problem, drop the sugar and u will drop the acne that much faster tho.
step 3 (guys only)
Shave every day, WITH THE GRAIN OF YOUR HAIR, shaving against the grain irrates the skin and makes the problem worse. Shaving each day removes dirt, oil, and dried or dead skin allowing your skin to ';breathe'; so to speak. After, use a aloe vera gel as an after shave. This will help your skin heal faster
Step 4.
Shampoo your hair twice a day, once before bed and once when you wake up. Again removes dirt and oil that would make its way to your face.
Step 5.
Wash your sheet as much as possible and at least during the first week, use a new pillow sheet each night.
Step 6.
Lastly, exercise at least a 3 or 4 times a week. And when i say exercise i dont mean going for a walk. You need to get your heart beat up into the high 100's. 180, 170 etc. Not only is this good for your heart and overall health, it kinda gets everything moving and workin more effectivly. Your blood is flowing and your better able to eliminate those so called toxins. Plus you will sweat alot which is one of the ways your body cleans itself. Not to mention youll lose weight and look and feel 10 times better.
This works for me but everyone is different. These easy steps effectivly treat the problem of acne instead of treating the symtoms of acne. hope it works for you too :DHow can I get rid of my acne?
Acne is one of the most common skin problems that affect many people in the world. Many people trying to cure their skin problem through medicine, cream, diet or exercise. Many people are now looking towards natural, safe and effective home remedies for acne. Home remedies are simple, convenient and economical. It has no side effect.
Home remedies are a great, simple and safe way to cure acne and other skin related problems without the short term or long term affects that can be caused by drugs or medicine and injections. Vitamin supplements, 8-10 glass of water in a day and regular exercise will help to detoxify our bodies, and improve our skin health. Carrot juice or raw carrot will help a lot to get rid of acne naturally.
Lemon juice with rose water can give magical benefits to cure acne. Apply 2 tablespoon lemon juice with 2 tablespoon of rose water on your face and rinse it only after 20-25 minutes. This application also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.
Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on the acne. Wash your face with lukewarm water then apply this paste. Paste of cucumber can be used as a facial mask; it is one of the good home remedies for acne. Leave it on your face for about 25 minutes. Do this daily; it will prevent acne from breaking out.
Make a paste of cucumber and use it as a facial mask. This will prevent acne from breaking out. Garlic paste also helps to cure acne naturally. Apply garlic paste on your face and rinse well after 5-10 minutes. Acne will be disappearing after some applications.
Apply vinegar and water solution on your face with cotton wool and leave it for 15 minutes. Cucumber juice application is one of the good home remedies for acne. Do not touch your acne, touching acne can be dangerous for your skin, it can leave a scar on your face. Wash your face with good face wash or lukewarm water while you go to bed. This will reduce the chances of acne. Washing face twice or thrice daily is great, safest and easy prevention of acne. These are the few safe and effective home remedies for acne.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
All those scrubs and stuff clean your pores but I'll almost guarantee that it's your diet that's causing your skin problems. Skin problems and many of our body's problems in general are caused by free radicals in our bodies. Antioxidants combat free radicals and one of the best antioxidants I know of and the one I use is Noni Juice. My skin is like blemish free and it can probably work for you as well.
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